0700 Routine
morning. ….
John GARSTANG came to see me about
the message to GERDEN about my
continued attendance at the hangar.
He has a list of about six subjects
that have to be completed.
Ran into Vic GERDEN who is
packing up to leave, and he
mentioned that I would be staying on
for at least another couple of
months. We also had a
discussion about the AES,
particularly magnesium. He
again made comments about the
quantities being so small as to be
insignificant. My comment to
him was that at least we will be
able to say that the subject was not
ignored and that we did something to
look into it. I mentioned
something about ensuing court, and
he made a comment to the effect that
they had no concern about court, as
they never have to attend. He
said that he had no knowledge of
what is in Dr. BROWN’s draft report,
but he did say that they wanted only
the facts and numbers, no
speculation. So, this rather
limits Dr. BROWN’s ability to
interpret his results.
If I believed Gerden's statement about
his knowledge of what was in the
report, it would mean that I also
believed that the earth was flat.