0700 Morning routine.
Spoke with Larry FOGG about the magnesium
pieces. He has not had a chance to speak
with Paul FIOCCA yet. However, he made a
trip to the plant last week and collected
several coupons of aluminium for the CANMET melt
test of GARSTANG’s. He asked about
magnesium, and they have no spare parts.
Their pieces are specially cast as they need
them, and they have none left over. So,
BOEING is unable to supply the material.
Sent e-mail off to Sandro SIRIU at SR Technics
asking for any new or old piece that they may
have. Awaiting a reply.
FOGG pointed out that the rudder pedals from the
cockpit are still relatively intact and could be
used. This will take a specific request to
TSB, but if Sandro cannot supply something, then
we will have to use one of them. One
should be suitable, as eight wires can be
positioned so that the wires all end up on the