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0700 Morning routine.
Don ENNS sent out a copy of his email in
response to Dr. LYON email of yesterday.
He spells out pretty much what I said
yesterday. As follows:
From: "Enns,
To: "'r lyon
Garstang, John "Enns, Don"
"Sidla, Gus" Juby Tom'
Cc: 'Sarkos Gus' ‘Cahill Patricia' 'Blake
Dave' 'Marker Tim' 'Hill Richard' “'Jim
Subject: RE
Fire/Explosion Group Meeting 27/11/01;
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 13:46:18 -0500
I have spoken to Prof. Quintiere about his
concerns regarding the up coming "phase two"
burn test.
Since both time and materials are limited,
only one phase two (utilizing radiant heat)
burn test is being contemplated. This
test is being designed to provide as much
data as possible about the foam duct's
reaction to an already established fire.
The heat flux was chosen after reviewing the
data from the Cone Calorimeter tests.
The duct will burn at this heat flux
therefore we should be able to measure the
contribution it has to the heat output
and/or the spread of the fire. One
thing that Prof. Quintiere pointed out is
that the ignition source should match the
heat flux. To compensate for this we
will amend the test plan to utilize the same
foam block which has been used by the FAA in
previous burn tests.
There are a number of recognized limitations
to this test. It is not a precise
recreation of the fire in Swissair 111. It
will not be a test of possible initiation
events. The effects of airflow and
other materials including wiring are not
taken into account. The use of
electrical heaters to provide radiant heat
is an artificial artefact which does not
take into account a number of issues
associated with an established fire which in
real-life would be the source of the heat.
This is a one-shot-only test and I welcome
all observations and suggestions about the
conduct of this test.
Thanks for your continued interest.
Don Enns
Had a short conversation with Vic GERDEN,
and as far as he is concerned, the next
FAA-3 trip is on for me, however he is
concerned about the costs for the overtime.
Finished up about 1800 hrs.